Sunday, August 7, 2016

Easy DIY Make-Up Brush Cleaner

I've been SEARCHING and SEARCHING for an easy way to clean my make-up brushes. I've been researching, but nothing seem right. I don't have witch hazel just laying around my house, and I don't want to use chemicals or spend a lot of money for special cleaners. Finally, I came up with a solution, and it worked amazing.

If you're wondering WHY you should clean your brushes, here is one big reason. B-A-C-T-E-R-I-A. They're living and thriving off your brush which contains natural skin oils, and they think it's delicious. Bacteria can cause skin break outs, rashes, and infections. Your brushes can become smelly, too! You're probably ready to start cleaning - if not your brushes your entire house!

Here's what you need:

  • 2 tablespoons white vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons antibacterial dish soap 

Here's how to clean your brush:

In a small bowl combine vinegar and water. Heat in the microwave until it's warm.

Combine the olive oil and soap on a small bowl or plate (I used a Styrofoam plate. Don't use paper, it will absorb the oil). No need to try to mix them together. They'll separate, but that's ok.

Dip your brush in the water/vinegar mix. Swirl it around a bit. You'll see little make up bits coming off, nothing to get excited about....yet. Take out your brush and gently squeeze out any extra liquid.

NOTE: Keep your brush bristles down at all times - even in the next few steps. If you put your brush bristles up (handle pointing down) before they are 100% dry, liquid can flow up the handle and dissolve the glue holding everything together. No Buenos.

Now, the gross part...Gently swoosh the brush around the olive oil and soap mix. Make sure to swoosh all side, uses a soft painting motion. You'll see the make-up falling off your brush!

Once you think you've removed all the gunk, rinse in a steady stream of cool water (remember, bristles DOWN!) Water should run clear. See picture to the left of my bronzer brush - before and after!

Gently arrange/mold bristles back to their original shape. Dry on an angle on a towel or paper towel. Roll one end of the towel to help prop up the handle. Allow brushes to dry completely before storing and/or using.

TIP: If you have any essential oils, you can add a little of your favorite to your oil/soap mix for a light scent.

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