Friday, October 18, 2013

Toddler Foods

I'm constantly looking for new foods for Em to try. She's at the age when  she eats everything, no food allergies. But she only has two teeth. She chews great, but with only those two little teeth she can only do so much!

Recently, I found a website, , it has so many resources! I've also begun a Pintrest board of toddler foods for all of you active pinners (

I've found making sure each meal is nutritious is hard! I can't give her jelly sandwiches and yogurt every day for lunch.

Here are a few things I've come up with to make meal time easier. Cook a large amount of pasta or rice and keep in the fridge. You can mix these with veggies, sauces, herbs, and fruits to create delicious meals. Pasta is easy to reheat, just put the cooked pasta in a pot of boiling water and in less than a minute it's perfect! You can add color to your water to make fun colors for your toddler!

I've also created what I call "Fruit or Veggie Pick Ups". I diced fruits and veggies into cubes, boil them until their soft enough for Emily to chew, drain, and add seasonings. I keep them in the fridge until meal times.

 Emily loves to try new things and feed herself. Next step, learning how to use a spoon and a napkin! While messy faces are adorable, I only have so much paper towel for clean ups!

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